5 Vital Pain Points UCaaS Solves for Your Business

Benefits of UCaaS: 5 Vital Points UCaaS Solves for Your Business

The next frontier of your business success comes from the benefits of UCaaS, or Unified Communications as a Service. It’s a bold claim, that’s for sure, but it’s true. Streamlining your communication infrastructure enhances your productivity and adds a hub for your business. A report from Qatalog found a typical person spends 59 minutes every day looking for information trapped within apps and programs. The worst experience is to have various sections of your business gatekeeping information not out of malice but because there isn’t a solid system in place. 

Don’t let technology be the reason you struggle; it’s there to elevate your business, not hinder it. 

What is UCaaS? 

UCaaS is arguably the best addition to business communications in the last two decades. UCaaS exists to streamline the communication channels across your business: phone calls, chat and messaging, video conference, and mobile, all through your high-speed internet connection. You are simplifying communication across the board. All this progress is made without bringing massive amounts of equipment into your office, drastically reducing startup costs. 

Why Do I Need UCaaS? 

Most new technologies aim to make processes more straightforward, but they end up being so niche. They work great, but you struggle to fit them into your daily workflow. The clear benefit of UCaaS is that it takes all the disparate programs you use and condenses them into one. A report from Gensler shows that across the world, workers say 42 percent of their day is working with others. So, having a connected system would benefit them greatly. Welcome to the benefits of UCaaS, which is true unification. 

Pain Points UCaaS Solves 

Now that we have the What and Why of UCaaS, we can get into the benefits and the pain points it solves for your business. The umbrella that saves you is the managed service provider (MSP), which handles all the technical aspects. Then, phone systems of the past left you to be Tier 1 support and be the main person trying to keep your system online. Now, you are no longer a part-time IT professional but a full-time business owner. LightSpar’s business is IT, so you get to leave it to us. 

Scalability and Flexibility 

With UCaaS, you’re not saddled with restrictions around location or simply adding a new user. You have the power to choose how you work. Suppose you allow for fully remote work, a hybrid scenario, or entirely in-office. Wherever your workspace is, you don’t need to rule out any future configuration because a significant benefit of UCaaS is flexibility. 

Scale your business based on your needs at any moment. Let’s say you are an online retailer with seasonal employees; perfect! Increase or decrease users as needed. What if a t-shirt suddenly becomes a viral hit and your phones explode with customers? The system will scale to meet the volume. Don’t stress, just sell. 

Cost Reduction 

The cost benefits of UCaaS are like a piece of apple pie on the 4th of July, which just tops off the day. It’s excellent, but you originally came for the BBQ and fireworks. The features of UCaaS are incredible, but pairing them with the cost benefits makes it seem like it couldn’t be that exceptional, but you know that it is. Compared to traditional copper lines, a VoIP (voice-over-internet protocol) which powers a UCaaS system, can save as much as 50 percent with ongoing costs. 


Let’s quickly break down the idea of the cloud. The most common use case of the cloud is having multiple data centers connected and serving as your connection. If one data center goes down or has issues, another in the system will seamlessly hand off the request, and you will stay connected without problems. The same scenario is used with UCaaS. You log into an app or browser and are connected to your system, wherever you are; that’s geo-redundancy. 


With typical on-premise PBX solutions, you buy the hardware and contract the service, and if there are issues, you are playing a guessing game to decide whether it’s the hardware or service. This disjointed back and forth can delay resolution and just increases your stress levels. With UCaaS, you have dedicated support to help make sure you are running at peak performance at all times. The number of hats you wear has just decreased by one, and you can proudly take your IT hat and donate it. 

Productivity and Customer Service 

Communication expectations have grown exponentially since the pandemic, and there have been no signs of stopping. A benefit of UCaaS is meeting the customers where they are and not forcing them to contact you how you want. 

For example, most major corporations have rolled out business texting. Still, it’s needed even more for small and medium-sized businesses: appointment reminders, appointment confirmation, and you could even add simple support questions into the mix. According to G2, 91 percent of customers express a desire to receive texts from businesses. You get to choose options that would be the most impactful for your business. 

Your Business Communication Has Needed a Boost, and UCaaS is Here to Provide One 

You can introduce a solution that can take your business from good to great. Take the benefits of UCaaS and incorporate them across your company. Watch your employees’ satisfaction rise and customer compliments roll in. Fill the needs that they didn’t even know they had. 

Build the organizational communication powerhouse you have always dreamed of with UCaaS from LightSpar. Contact us today and see how we can be the UCaaS partner you didn’t know you needed. 

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