Does My Business Need a Cloud-Based Contact Center?

Team Members of a Business Contact Center ready to give the best service for all customers

When most people hear “contact center,” their first thought is a company with hundreds, if not thousands, of agents. But that’s no longer the case! Contact centers have evolved from massive, on-site offices to online platforms that are simple to install and easy to use. 

But here’s the question – do you need a business contact center? Even if you’re not a Fortune 500 company? The answer is absolutely! Here are just a few reasons why. 

Because It Keeps Your Data Centralized and Organized 

Did you know that 41 percent of corporate leaders say their data isn’t put to good use because it’s too complex or not accessible enough? If that struggle sounds familiar, then you need a business contact center platform. Thanks to point-and-click integrations, it brings all your data together in one place, so it’s easy to access and simple to organize. 

Do you need to review a customer’s email history or check the status of a trouble ticket? With just a few clicks, you can do it. This not only saves you time but also guarantees greater accuracy and consistency in every interaction. 

This brings us to our second point. 

Because It Helps You Personalize Every Interaction 

Most of your customers know that companies collect their data, and they expect them to use it well. Over 73 percent of them expect more personalized care, but very few get it. According to a recent Salesforce study, over 80 percent of consumers say that their experience should be better than it is, especially considering all the data businesses collect

A business contact center helps you give your customers the personalization they crave. Say you’re a sandwich shop, and a customer calls to order a specific sandwich from your menu. 

With a contact center platform, you can instantly pull up their order history, ingredient preferences, and previous calls. Armed with this information, you’ll be able to: 

  • Know what bread they want 
  • Plan around their allergies, and 
  • Send the sandwich to the correct address 

All without asking them to repeat the information, making them feel valued and understood. 

Care like this can go a long way in building lasting customer relationships and boosting revenue. After all, 65 percent of customers said they’d stay loyal to a company that provided a more personalized experience. 

Because It Helps You Maintain Your Quality of Service as You Grow 

Giving customers this kind of support is simpler when a company is small. However, as they start to grow, many businesses find it difficult to maintain high levels of service. After all, their customer base has doubled, or even tripled, in size. That’s a lot of people to manage. 

A business contact center can help you stay consistent. LightSpar’s platform can help you: 

  • Route calls efficiently so all callers get sent to someone who can help. 
  • Monitor the performance of your agents in real-time to make sure calls are answered quickly and well. 
  • Spot any areas for improvement so they can be addressed before they become significant problems. 
  • Keep your care personal with CRM integrations, allowing you to see customer histories and preferences in seconds. 

These capabilities help keep your QoS high and your customers happy without pumping the brakes on your growth. 

Because It Lets You Hire and Retain Remote or Hybrid Agents 

Let’s say you’ve found the perfect candidate for a role. They’re intelligent, friendly, and ready to tackle any challenge. But then you find out they’re on the other end of the country! Quite a disappointment, to be sure. 

Unless you’ve got a business contact center platform, it makes geographic limits a thing of the past, allowing you to hire the best fit for your company regardless of their location. 

A contact center also helps you retain your current employees. Nearly 80 percent of remote-capable employees want – and expect – a remote or hybrid work schedule. Odds are, your customer support agents are part of that statistic. 

But using a contact center like LightSpar’s allows you to offer flexible work opportunities to your team. This will boost their overall satisfaction, leading to a happier and more productive workforce that won’t be churning as quickly as before. 

This leads us to another reason why you need a business contact center. 

Because It Increases Agent Productivity and Decreases Agent Burnout 

Long hours, repetitive tasks, and dealing with angry customers all take a toll on the morale of your customer service teams. In fact, 71 percent of service agents are battling burnout and have considered quitting to find other work. 

But adopting a business contact center solution can help in two ways: 

  1. It gives your agents the tools they need to work smarter, not harder. Features like call scripting, automated workflows, and plug-and-play integrations speed up their day-to-day processes. Using these features increases issue resolution, allowing them to help more customers in less time. 
  1. It lightens your agent’s mental load. By automating routine tasks and giving customers self-service options, you give your agents less menial and more meaningful work. Plus, platforms like LightSpar’s provide tools for managing workloads and scheduling breaks so no agent is stretched too thin. 

This not only prevents burnout but allows you to hang on to top talent that might have left otherwise. 

Get the Cadillac of Business Contact Centers with LightSpar 

At LightSpar, we know how important excellent care is to you and your customers. That’s why we offer a top-of-the-line contact center that can give your customers the support they expect without overloading your support team. 

With comprehensive analytics, time-saving automation, airtight security, and more, it’s got the features you need to succeed. Want to see it in action? Reach out today to schedule your free 15-minute demonstration! 

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